For more information call Gene Simes: (315) 986-7322 or send email.
Listen to Willie Nelson on OFFE's Mission

OFFE Veterans' Newsletter


A Welcome Message from the Editor, Francisco Juarez

This photograph, taken by OFFE Newsletter Editor, Francisco Juarez, is of a statue inside the White House. The words (right) are within the closing remarks of President Abraham Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address, 1865.

This photograph of the bust of President Abraham Lincoln and his accompanying declaration of sacred trust, together, best represent the introduction and purpose of the Newsletter Page of the official Operation Firing For Effect (OFFE) website.

From this day forth, the unconditional preservation of the promise of sacred trust will be the prerequisite for all future Newsletter content.

My thanks go to the OFFE leadership for its vote of confidence. Our advocacy is certainly cut out for us and we must begin to get the word out, immediately.

To that end, please allow me to introduce "your" new Editor. I am Francisco and I have been writing for Veterans since college in 1977.

My wife and I met Gene Simes in 2008 at Washington D.C. and I have supported the direction of Operation Firing For Effect (OFFE), a New York based Veterans advocacy non-profit organization, ever since.

OFFE is working hard to prevent the dismantling of the entire VA system, and, the unraveling of our social fabric.

OFFE has been calling for public attention to the "cloak and dagger" shenanigans that really do exist, today, within the governance of our Veterans Affairs Department.

If you care about the quality and integrity of our government's principles and policies you want to follow these editorials. All editorial replies are welcome and may be edited. Send all editorial comments to:, attention Francisco.



Operation Firing For Effect (OFFE) is a bi-partisan Veterans Advocacy group, and subsidiary of Veterans For Veteran Connection, Inc., a 501(c)19 non-profit corporation devoted to the protection and improvement of entitlements and services earned by our men and women in uniform. 
OFFE does not endorse political candidates running for office. OFFE does report on issues of importance to our former military personnel and their families and that includes ‘News’ from both sides of the aisle. OFFE will grant equal time to any candidate (regardless of political affiliation) who wishes to share and explain their position(s) on ‘Veterans’ Affairs’.