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Operation Firing For Effect




National Headquarters
1700 Waterford Road
Walworth, NY 14568
Or You Can Email US
Just Click Here
You Can also address you email to Gene Simes, OFFE President/Founder:
Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest.


[NOTE: Operation Firing For Effect (OFFE) is a bi-partisan veterans advocacy group, and subsidiary of Veterans For Veteran Connection, Inc., a 501(c)19 non-profit corporation devoted to the protection and improvement of entitlements and services earned by our men and women in uniform. OFFE does not endorse political candidates running for office. OFFE does report on issues of importance to our former military personnel and their families and that includes ‘News’ from both sides of the aisle. OFFE will grant equal time to any candidate (regardless of political affiliation) who wishes to share and explain their position(s) on ‘veterans’ affairs’.]

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