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President Obama, not only did you place a target on the United States Armed Forces but you did the samething to our allies! Kill the Deal, Not the Men and Women of Our MilitaryRemove the Target off the Backs of Our Troops Placed There by the Treasonous Architects of the Iranian Deal, President Obama and Hillary Clinton President Obama, along with the original architect of the Iranian deal, Hillary Clinton, by returning $150 billion in assets to Iran, the epicenter of terrorism, has placed our military installations and troops around the world, directly in the crosshairs of Iran’s terrorist enterprise. Admittedly, these frozen funds which were originally confiscated from Iran for pasts acts of aggression against America, have been earmarked by Iran, to purchase weapons aimed at her enemies and destroying American military installations and troops around the world. These plans have been reconfirmed by the Obama administration. In order to close this deal, Obama negotiated using the lives of our troops as collateral with the intention of preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear terrorist state, thereby placing a target directly on the backs of his own military. Essentially, Obama hired terrorist assassins to kill American troops. With this act of treachery, he not only betrayed his own troops, but declared war against the Constitution, the very document he swore to uphold. This is nothing less than an act of treason. How are our Veterans, who have taken a lifetime pledge of allegiance to the Constitution and obey orders issued by their Commander-in-Chief, supposed to continue to do so, when that same Commander has forsaken his oath of office and placed a bounty on those same troops? Then, upon their return to our country, compounds the betrayal by reneging on promised healthcare and benefits to them which were promised upon enlistment. As veterans, we cannot allow this to happen. It is time to stand our ground, and do everything in our power to protect our heroic brothers and sisters who put their lives on the line around the world to protect our liberties. Of all the offenses, the one we find most objectionable, is that the President bartered away the lives of our military personnel in order to close this double-crossing deal. Reneging on his Presidential oath, Obama failed to protect the sovereignty of our nation. Additionally, by being complicit in authorizing the deal, Congress failed to uphold its oath to “support and defend the Constitution.” Our first President, George Washington stated that “The Constitution is the guideline I will never abandon.” It is the non-negotiable benchmark against which we measure every rule, every decision and every negotiation. This nation was born out of a resolve to protect the freedoms of the individual from the tyranny of the state. The Constitution, whose firm stance against tyranny is its rule of law, and was created to safeguard those indisputable freedoms at home, and theses who promote oppression amongst the nations. Our government is sworn and obligated to abide by our Constitution. Therefore, upholding the Constitution and its firm stance against any tyranny, government or enterprise that seeks to destroy our values, our democracy, or our "western ways" is a non-debatable issue. Stopping the Iranian Nuclear Threat by preventing the ultimate mass destructive weapon known to man from getting into the hands of a heinous, tyrannical nation such is Iran, that openly threatens to destroy America and her way of life, is then neither a Democratic nor a Republican issue; rather it's a Constitutional mandate. As Veterans, we have one mission; that is to unite as an unstoppable force to protect the Citizens of the United States and defend our Constitution by ensuring that this deal is declared null and void. The deal that Obama has secured for Iran will enable it to transform into a legitimate and universally recognized state. With the international community’s willingness to normalize relations with the radical Iranian theocracy once the deal was made, Iran is now on the verge of establishing a secured fail-safe nuclear terrorist state, well ahead of the time our next president takes office. Conveniently President Obama seem to forget his previously statement, “the best way to keep America safe is to keep nuclear weapons and materials away from terrorists." Allowing Iran to build and maintain nuclear plants is diametrically opposed to his 2002 declaration. In fact, what could he been have thinking when he teamed up with Russia to prevent Iran from reaching full nuclear capacity? Entrusting Russia to monitor Iran’s nuclear activity, when it was Russia who built Iran’s nuclear power plants in the first place and continues to support Iran’s terrorist agenda in Syria, is like hiring the fox to watch the hen house. The lifelines of liberty are being cut throughout the world as America continues to empower Islamic fascists and secular barbarians, such is Iran and Russia. By sealing this deal, America has conceded victory to these nations instead of standing by her Constitution and its rule of law, whose stance against tyranny ensures the very freedoms we enjoy and of which these opposing nations deprive their own citizens. The minute America budges one iota from her firm stance against this rule of law, the foundation upon which our great nation was built, she opens the door to abolishing all our hard-won freedoms, and instead stands to inherit everything our forefathers gave their lives for. By losing our grip on our Constitution and all she stands for, we lose the soul of our nation. The fact is that our immediate focus must be on stopping Iran from becoming that legitimate nuclear terrorist enterprise. We can’t hesitate for one moment longer. We cannot afford to wait another three months before a new foreign policy is implemented by a new administration. The result of waiting will be a detrimental major shift in the balance of power that will leave other countries without a strong American leader. Once we have relinquished our primary role as defender of the free world, global tyranny will be the new guardian. At that point, can any of our allies or any nation for that matter, ever trust America again? By throwing up our hands and simply accepting this double-crossing deal, is as if Washington and his rag-tag militia shed their blood in vain. Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their honor and their fortunes to establish this great nation. Now, we must do the same. Larrry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch, asks “What would our Founding Fathers have done under such dire circumstances? How can Obama be legally removed from office before he does even more irreparable damage? We the People cannot sit idly by and hope for the best. By returning money confiscated from a criminal enterprise that announces their intention to further expand their lawless pursuits against our Free Republics is nothing less than aiding and abetting the enemy. President Obama is in violation of US CODE Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedures 2339B providing material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations must held accountable for his failure to uphold his oath to protect the Constitution, the sovereignty of our nation, and our troops and therefore we must demand he is removed from office and tried for treason, This alone renders the Iranian deal null and void. Remember "We The People" hold the purse strings. It is our hard-earned tax dollars that pay the salaries of those we entrust to run our government. Why would we consent to fund our government when it aids and abets those who vow to destroy us and our freedoms? Lest we have blood on our hands. Join with us as we continue their fight against those who do not hold the Constitution as their beacon nor respect those who fight to respect it. Operation Firing for Effect Stanley Zir PA, OFFE National Grassroots State Director
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