POSTED: August 8, 2019
Attention President Donald J. Trump and Secretary Robert Willkie Department of Veteran Affairs!
Donald and Robert with all due respect you aren’t hearing us! Our veterans are homeless. It is shocking to see the despair on our veterans faces. They are forced to live in the filthy back alleys of Los Angeles. The Department of Veterans Affairs and their Bureaucratic swamp have not delivered their promises. Instead they keep subletting space on the West Los Angeles Veterans Home to special interest groups.
Mr. President, this is not making just the Veterans Affairs look bad, it is making you, who hired and appointed these individuals, look bad. Citizens, let’s challenge the Bureaucrats! We need your full support to make a difference. We are calling on every Veteran and all the citizens of West Los Angeles to be a part of the important Veterans Affairs hearing which is open to the public on August 14, 2019, at 3 p.m.
Veterans Affairs Facility Wednesday, August 14, 2019, the Board will convene an open session at 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Building 500, Room 1281, Los Angeles, CA Public comments will start at:3p.m. we urge the community to attend this meeting.
From 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, August 15, 2019, the Board will convene an open session at the same location from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Why have they failed the Veterans and the citizens of West LA? Why the Veterans Affairs has not housed the Homeless Veterans on the donated land that was intended for the purpose of caring for those who have served? The parties who are responsible for this wrong doing are the United States government, state government and appointed elected government Officials With all due respect, Mr. President, you and I must talk.
Gene D. Simes
For more information (315) 986-7322
Submit your donation or mail to:
Gene D. Simes
1700 Waterford Rd,
Walworth, NY 14568
Office: 315-986-7322