POSTED: July 23, 2019
The White House Hotline is A Joke!
Operation Firing For Effect Needs your help once again.
Can we work as one?
Our mission is not impossible
But we can’t do this alone
Submit your donation or mail to:
Gene D. Simes
1700 Waterford Rd,
Walworth, NY 14568
Office: 315-986-7322
The ad that we published in the Washington Times is reminder to our nation’s leaders, American tax payers, and family members who may have sons or daughters deployed across the world of the sacrifices of their service.
The purpose for this ad will awaken military and veterans supporters that appearance can be deceiving.
The VA has stopped listening to American’s heroes and family members. Our sacrifices have become a nuisance to many VA administrators who forward their own agenda before the needs of veterans. The President thinks that the Secretary is doing a fine job, well he is not. All we have are roads to nowhere and bridges without support, while veterans are sleeping on the streets, veterans waiting years to have their claims resolved, remand after remand on claims and epidemic suicides.
Throughout the country veterans land is being systematically stolen by corrupt politicians in bed with unethical businesses and organizations. The VA in West Los Angeles, California is a perfect example where property deeded to the VA for the benefits of veterans was leased by the VA to non-veteran business. West L.A’s Brentwood neighborhood is the home of seven private and two public schools. The struggle to regain control of this deeded land continues, even after court battles.
The media, at times is like ice, once it has melted it no longer serves a chilling purpose. Veterans’ issues are a moment or pittance of time, and then it’s on to the next story, never focusing on the real issues facing thousands of veterans in our homeland.
This Ad in the Washington Times will cost $2500.00 for half a page moment, a moment that may save thousands of veterans facing many crises every day. Every day You hear about every veterans non for profit soliciting money to help veterans, yet no one has admitted that they are just spinning their wheels, thus helping a few. The VA has burdened themselves on these veterans’ non-profit with very little or no oversight, while veterans remain on the streets or committing suicide.
To tell you the truth, I think there is no real solution to the problems veterans are having, until the VA gets back on track, helping veterans. Every day the VA has become more and more sterile in the way it conducts business. It has become an environment where you are told to call somewhere else or someone will call you back. There is nothing but inference in speaking with someone who might actually help you.
The White House Hot line replaced the VA Oversight Office, rather now the Veterans Experience Office. It a group of veterans manning phone lines for veterans to call if they are having problems with VA. All they are inexperienced intake workers who contact the VA on veteran related problems who call the Hotline. How is this hotline if you have to wait days before something gets done or get a return call? This hotline has replaced the VA’s job in getting answers for veterans.
The sterilization of VA responsibility to veterans is the reason that this Ad must be published. No one is listening to real issues facing thousands of veterans. Grassroots veterans’ organizations are working hard to make a difference, since major Veteran Service Organizations have become a lobbying tool for the VA, no longer advocates for its membership.
What are we expecting from this Ad, depends on our supporters who are willing to help out with making this ad a reality. We are hoping to voice our concerns that have drawn little or no attention from the media or major veterans’ organizations with a gathering of the minds.
And who? Would be reading our Washington Times ad at 8 a.m. in the morning while they are drinking their coffee and sucking up their donut! Hopefully, the U.S. Representatives don’t spill it or choke on their taxpayer’s donut while they are reading our ad! The White House and not excluding the VA Secretary will get their copies then the rest of the 535 elected U.S. Representatives and Senators, readers throughout the Nation and TV networks/radio news Nationwide.
Check our ad that is attached to this document! The Washington Times has created just for OFFE. This ad cannot be distributed or re-copied. All copyrights belong to Operation Firing For Effect Inc., thus not to be rewritten or passed on to any other paper, unless the Washington Time releases it to OFFE once it’s been paid for (This add is the sole property of OFFE.)
It would have cost $6500.00 but we were given a break, whereas our mission was dropping it down to $2500.00 for a half a page in the Washington Times! This is unheard of. This tells me that this will make the news Nationwide! So far we have received 25% of the funds needed and going in an OFFE’s account. Let me remind you, the movement has started. Look everyone, if you could only donate whatever you can it will go a long way. This long awaiting mission is about the Veterans voices and their family, being heard. No longer will we be ignored or silence by our U.S. representatives and Department of Veterans Affairs.
I have been making my calls and emails for donation as you are reading this and so far it’s been positive reactions.
I will continue making more calls to make this happen, but OFFE, needs everyone to participate.
Remember when those of you have called on OFFE and its coalition of Veterans organizations, we tried our best to help you get where you wanted to go for help. Unfortunately, maybe not everyone received the answer you wanted or expected to hear, but we were there to step up to the plate to do our best with no hesitation and stood by you.
OFFE will list the names of those that have donated and place it onto website, if you wish to be acknowledged. Remember that OFFE is a 501 (C)(3) tax deductible non-profit organization.
This is what is needed: GOAL: $2500.00, all donations will be listed on OFFE’s, website. Remember $10.00 times 250 is $2500.00, $25.00 times 100 is $2500.00, and $50.00 times 50 is $2500.00. Look we can make it happen, if everyone stepped up to the plate. So far, 25% has been received to cover the ad.
At the same time OFFE and Forgotten Warriors Project will reserve one of the offices in the Cannon House building or the Senate office building, as we have done in the past for a meeting. We will be preparing the paper work required for a rally in Washington D.C. area, time and date to be announced, as OFFE and Forgotten Warriors Project continue to discuss our next mission.
This is a chance for every Veteran that thinks or believes that their VOICE’s as grassroots Veterans didn’t count. This time it will be heard Nationwide.
Veterans and supporters our gratitude for your past support is never ending, but now Operation Firing For Effect and our coalition of Grassroots Veterans need to take this next step and we are calling for your support once again to drive this message HOME!
To every representative in Washington and legislators Nationwide who have had deaf ears and unwillingness to show up to attend a meeting in your grounds. Operation Firing For Effect and the coalition of Grassroots Veterans organization will address what is and not being done for those that have served.
If we try hard enough we can do it, otherwise I have to do it on my own. I know there’s no need for that but I believe in what is needed. YES, we need to be heard.
Go to and click on the donate button to submit your donation or mail to:
Gene D. Simes
1700 Waterford Rd,
Walworth, NY 14568
Office: 315-986-7322
(OFFE) Operation Firing For Effect Inc.
(VFVC) Veterans For Veterans Connection Inc.
(FWP) Forgotten Warriors Project Inc.
(MRBP) Missing Records Broken Promises Inc.
(VAL OR USA) Veterans Advocate Logistics Organizations Inc.
A Coalition of Grassroots Veterans Organizations USA