July 4, 2021
Patriot Mouse and We The People Reject the Swamp Rats in Washington DC
Let’s make America strong!!
We, the People will make America Great Again,
Let FREEDOM ring forever.
Independence Day July 4,1776
The Oath of Office has lost its meaning to the Swamp Rats in Washington, DC.
“I think we should obtain the confidence of our fellow citizens, in proportion as we fortify the rights of the people against the encroachments of the government,” Madison said in his address to Congress.
The 2020 presidential campaign, along with its cohorts, proved to be a worthless reminder of this administration’s view of the constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. They have no respect for our Founding Fathers as they have no respect for themselves.
Our first amendment has been breached, freedom of speech is scrutinized, illegal aliens are given the keys to our country, to harvest votes. Politicians have weaponized racism to further divide this country in the voting booths. Civil disorder is being influenced by elected U.S. representatives. The illusion of truth states, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”
“When government takes away citizens' right to bear arms it becomes citizens' duty to take away government's right to govern."
“When a nation mistrusts its citizens with guns it is it sending a clear message... It no longer trusts its citizens because such a government has evil plans.”
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty, teeth and keystone under independence."
We the People must stand by this Nation. If we the People do not stand for something we stand for nothing.
Patriot Mouse
Veterans For Veteran Connection Inc.
A subsidiary of:
Operation Firing For Effect
Supporting organization:
Forgotten Warriors Project Inc.